There are many third-party components involved here, each with its own flaws, problematic driver updates, bugs - countless potential conflicts between that component union and other production software clashing with the output device driver control, etc. The marriage between the operating system audio engine, the Systemwide driver, and the final output device driver has to be close to flawless in order for all of it to work smoothly. The place in the signal chain where the Systemwide app is located is a troublesome place to be.

Thank you for your comments and issue reports! Our sincerest apologies for the lag in the post/response time here! It's been a challenging year for the support team and the entire company, and unfortunately, we've been falling short of the moderating here and other important tasks :( I'll try to address the general state of this issue and its context first, for a better understanding: Was hoping maybe someone here had a solution before I do all sorts of reinstalling, etc. I haven't done a ton of other experimenting yet.

The only change in my rig is that there was a recent Windows update. All of a sudden it started up a few days ago. I had been running this same setup for the last 6 months with no problems. The strange thing is that this is completely new behavior. Reminds me of what it sounds like when bit rate is mismatched. My audio from Pro Tools is absolutely fine, w no problems with the Sonarworks plugin, but audio from any other source, like youtube, iTunes, Vegas Movie Maker Platinum, is full of warbles and stutters. My Reference 4 software is up to date ( I'm running Windows 10 on a Sweetwater CS, Pro Tools 11.3, interface is a Presonus 16.4.2 AI. Having similar problems (Karlis, I sent you an email before I saw this thread, so feel free to respond here).